Gentle Reminder

The information in this website is not intended as medical advice or to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge.  I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.  Always work directly with a qualified medical professional before attempting to treat any illness or medical condition with diet and lifestyle, or when changing or discontinuing any prescription medications. Always be sure you talk with your doctor before making any changes in diet when you have an existing medical condition and check with your doctor before starting any new diet or fitness program.

personalized health coaching program

I am continually expanding my skills and taking classes. Drawing on this training, I help people just like you create a completely personalized road map to health that suits your unique body, your lifestyle, your preferences, and your goals.

I want to help people move out of illness and into health. Although our genetics do play a role in our health, our environment plays an even bigger role. The physical environment, stress, sleep, nutrition, exercise, toxins, and the community we surround ourselves with all play a part in our wellness. I help clients address these influences around them and share tools and tips to help them to make the changes to health.

Health coaching should not be confined to a box; each person has different needs, goals, and challenges. I offer individualized, client-centered coaching that teaches each person the skills they need to help improve their health. It’s my goal to get you to the point where you’re confident and equipped and don’t need to meet with me regularly.